PD Winamp mpg123 plug-in

Decoder Source: shibatch http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/9674/in_mpg123.html
Version: 1.18
Price: free
Settings: disabled mp3 decoding in Nitrane in_mp3.dll from Config
Similar products: based on mpg123 library, from lame version.
Verdict: Excellent
VBR: All
Full file: Always
Major Flaws: none
Minor Flaws: still in development
Output level: correct
1-bit relative accuracy: Excellent
1-bit absolute accuracy: Excellent

Winamp is the most popular software mp3 player. By going into the preferences menu, and selecting the Disk Writer output plug-in, it will save mp3 files to disk as wave files (to specify where to save the file, hit the configure button after selecting the plug-in). See Winamp screenshots for further details. Use your browsers' back button to return here.

The mpg123 plug-in is based on the decoder in lame, ported from mpg123. As its name suggests, this decoder will handle MPEG-1 layers 1 and 2 (mp1, mp2) in addition to MPEG-1 layer 3 (mp3). Whilst a note on the author's website warns that the decoder is still in development (ID3 tag editing may be buggy), the decoding quality of this plug-in is excellent, and it is highly recommended.

The review of Winamp 2.62 explains some of the problems with the old Nitrane decoder, which caused this plug-in to be written. Since version 2.7 of Winamp decodes correctly with the built-in decoder, this plug-in is now redundant.


Configuring in_mpg123
Configuring in_mpg123

about mpg123 plug-in
about mpg123 plug-in

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